Video Game Quick Hits 5/31/13

VGQH has been on an unscheduled hiatus recently, but not due to a lack of news. There’s a lot I’ve missed for the last couple of weeks, but I’ll do my best to round up the highlights:

The biggest story, of course, was Microsoft’s reveal last week of XBox One. Much like Sony’s PS4 announcement, we didn’t get nearly as much as we wanted, but there was some cool information. The always on Kinect 2 has raised a lot of questions, and the almost always on internet connectivity is definitely furrowing some brows. I’ll leave off most of my commentary until E3 when we get more details on both consoles, but I will note that I’ve personally seen a lot of 360 owners considering a switch to Sony next generation, but no one going the other way. Part of that is the avenues of my exposure to those comments, but not all of it. Some die hard XBox users have expressed very legitimate concerns to me.

Then again, Don Mattrick of Microsoft says they are investing over one billion dollars in exclusive titles. That argument in itself won’t sell the console, but the results of the investment might. Add a retail listing on Amazon Italy, since removed, for Mirror’s Edge 2 exclusive to the XBox One and you now have a compelling a sales pitch. It also appeared briefly on EA’s Help Center website. Cleaning up consumer trepidation about the hardware, with exclusives like this, and Microsoft could be all set for a real winner.

Also announced last week were the two special editions of Grand Theft Auto V. The Special Edition will include the game, a collectible steelbook, a blueprint map, extra single player flying missions, a special ability boost fore ach character, bonus character customizing options, and additional weapons. This looks like your basic preorder content with the exception of the map and steelbook.

The Collector’s Edition is a little more expansive. That one comes with all of the Special Edition perks, plus a locking security deposit bag, snapback cap, custom characters for online play, and unique in-game vehicles in a special garage.

All versions will be available September 17, 2013 and all preorders will get access to the in-game Atomic Blimp vehicle. I believe this is the first time a dirigible will be a playable vehicle in the series.

TT Games announced two characters for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes at last weekend’s MCM Expo. The Human Torch and Venom minifigures are joining the cast for what be the largest Marvel roster in a single video game ever. Venom has his lovers and haters, and I can’t argue with any of them. But my question comes with the Torch. It’s safe to assume that the entire (standard) Fantastic Four cast will be included, but could we also be getting the original Human Torch that teamed with Captain America and Namor in World Ward II? I guess we’ll know for sure when this one launches later this year.

Ever since Rayman Legends was delayed on the WiiU to spread to other consoles there have been rumors of it coming to PS Vita as well. That has now been confirmed. This handheld version will feature five extra levels, controlling Murphy the green bottle fly using the rear touch pad. It will also come with two extra costumes: Sam Fisher for Globox and Prince of Persia for Rayman. Every version of the title is now planned for release August 27, 2013.

Naughty Dog has revealed plans for DLC on the The Last of US, including how it will tie to the Season Pass. The first DLC content will be for the single player, while the next two will focus on multiplayer. The Season Pass will be $19.99 and reportedly saves buyers about 30% over buying individually. A little basic math tells me the individual pieces will average out to about $10. Other benefits of the Season Pass include some in game bonuses (faster crafting, healing, 9mm reload speed, and increased capacity in the rifle clip) and a 90 minute “making of” documentary.

That seems to be it for now.