Video Game Quick Hits

First things first, Sony released update 3.56 for PS3 last night. I haven’t run it yet (but my PS3 is back from YLOD) and there’s probably not much to say. The only change announced from 3.55 is a security update. Most likely this is in response to the recent hacks.

Another recent PS3 update comes from Call of Duty: Black Ops. Besides adding new contracts to the rotation and a pre-match LAN timer, Patch 1.06 has a laundry list of fixes. For more info check their official forums.

In need of a patch is the highly anticipated Mass Effect 2 for PS3. Not only did Sony gamers have to wait until last week to get their hands on the game, now they’re being burned again by a save bug. Bioware has acknowledged the problem and is working on a solution. In the meantime, I’m glad I was waiting for GameFly on this one. Not only does the game seem to have a tendency to corrupt your save file around the 30 hour mark, but some players have even had it crash their entire hard drive, requiring a reformat. Bioware has asked that affected players report the details of their experience to help them get a handle on the problem.

Dead Space 2 got a big announcement on its launch day. A planned DLC release called “Severed” will feature Gabe and Lexine from the Extraction offshoot. No word yet on a price or date. What seems to matter most to internet people though is the question of whether this stuff should be announced so early in the game’s life. It brings up the constant argument of whether this should have been included in the game instead of charging extra for DLC. I’m of two minds on this one. First, it’s a side story and probably shouldn’t be part of the main game (never mind that it might not actually be finished which is why it’s not scheduled yet). On the other hand, people who are on the fence may just want to wait for the special version that will come out in 6-12 months for the same price and include all the DLC. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in a meeting that makes these decisions just so I can see the actual statistics they use.

Platinum Games (creator of Bayonetta) showed off their newest game to Famitsu. Max Anarchy is being talked about as an online combat game. An offline campaign and co-op mode is also offered, but the multiplayer is expected to be the main draw. Jack from MadWorld (Wii) will make his return in this game, though it’s unclear if the two stories are connected. Max Anarchy is scheduled for Fall 2011. It is Platinum’s first online game.

Speaking of online, shooter fans are excited for Killzone 3 scheduled for February 22. An open beta for the multiplayer should be announced soon, but you can also look forward to getting a shot at the single player mode a week before launch. Two versions of a demo will be released on February 16 (or February 9 for Plus members). The 2D version will also preview the split-screen co-op. The 3D demo is the same level, without the co-op feature. Both will be Move-enabled.

Anyone excited for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars? Of course you are. And if you’re not, you need to be taught the meaning of the word “fun.” If you’re already stressing about how long we have to wait until February 18 this new webdoc won’t help.

If you’ve seen the supposedly leaked trailer for Batman: Arkham City and hurt yourself in excitement about Batman and the Joker teaming up, you’d better put your geek boner back where it belongs. Warner Bros. has confirmed the video is a fan-made fake. Doesn’t mean it isn’t awesome though. If history is any indication you can now expect a new, real trailer from the studio very soon to combat the hype.

Seems to it for the now. I’ll be back with more when I hear it. Meantime, I’m off to watch that webdoc again.