Video Game Quick Hits 10/28/11

Happy Halloween everyone. This is one of my favorite times of year. Unfortunately, I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t been able to really enjoy the build up to my favorite holiday. It seems the gaming industry have all been pretty busy too, since there’s not a whole lot of news coming out this week. I’m going to assume that’s because the developers and PR people are all too busy playing Batman: Arkham City, which has shipped over 4.6 million copies so far. That’s more than double the number for Arkham Asylum in the same time frame. “Copies shipped” and “copies sold” aren’t exactly the same thing, but they are connected and it’s still damn impressive. Congratulations to Rocksteady Studios and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Of course, first person shooters still dominate the market, and Battlefield 3 reportedly pre-sold over 3 million copies before it launched in the US on Tuesday (and in Europe today). I’ve no doubt we’ll easily see another 2 million in the next few weeks.

On to the rest of the news:

I’m really hesitant to mention this, but it’s about Grand Theft Auto V and my excitement overwhelms my good sense. With the first official trailer coming next week, rumors are building already about what we can expect to see. And that’s why I was hesitant to mention it. First, they’re rumors. Second, I don’t want to build hype (or even get hyped myself) for something that may turn out not to be true. The biggest rumors I’m hearing are that the game will take place in L.A., or at least the GTA version of it (be that Los Santos, San Andreas, or something else), and that it will feature multiple playable characters. I’m not sure how much, if any, of this to believe. Another game in California does make sense. San Andreas was a huge hit for Rockstar and a return to that environment makes good monetary sense. Furthermore, some of the early casting call notices I saw for voice talent described characters that fit their sarcastic stereotypes for Hollywood producers and other California weirdos. As for multiple playable characters? We saw that with Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption, in a way. We’ve also seen in it in the expansions for GTA IV. But those two expansions also had new stories that butted up against Niko’s tale. It wouldn’t shock me if they changed things up a little by having the player control a limited number of characters, say four, for about ten hours of story each. Ultimately their individual stories would mesh together for some kind of big event. Maybe something like the Reservoir Dogs heist. From there, control could shift from character to character in the final mission. Combining their previous multiplayer efforts with some of the non-traditional co-op schemes we’ve seen in the last few years, there may even be an option to team up with three other players, each taking one character through the finale cooperatively. But again, this is all speculation. That’s just my imagination running wild with petty rumor. Now do you see why I didn’t want to get into it?

As expected, the Exterminatus co-op pack has been added to WarHammer 40k: Space Marine. The update adds two scenarios for up to four players. Three character classes were added: Assault, Devastator, and Tactical. The update should be automatic, so just load up the game to play.

While I’ve yet to see anything indicating a change in the United States, it looks like Metal Gear Solid HD Collection has been delayed in Europe. The set was pushed from November to February with little in the way of explanation. My sources still indicate a November 8th release stateside, but it’s possible that will change as well.

As most fervent gamers understand, the enjoyment of a game isn’t always just the gameplay. Sometimes a good story can make up for shoddy camera work and vice versa. Oftentimes, in both games and movies, the score can change good experience into a great experience. One of the best gaming soundtracks in recent releases has been Deus Ex: Human Revolution. To celebrate that accomplishment, the soundtrack is going to be released separately. Coming November 15th, Michael McCann’s “cyber-noir” soundtrack will be available on iTunes, Amazon MP3, and on physical disc (look it up young’uns) from most major retailers.

How excited are you for the PSVita? If the February 22nd release date seems too far away, you may like the recently announced First Edition Bundle. That one is only available at select retailers but you can preorder it now for release on February 15th. In addition to getting the 3G version (in the US, wi-fi only in Canada) a week early, the $350 bundle will also set you up with a 4GB memory card, limited edition case, and the Little Deviants game. Good enough deal, I guess. If they offer a US version with the wi-fi only version, the game, and a 16GB memory card they might have me sold.

Ubisoft held their second annual Digital Day this week to showcase some of their top-tier titles coming to the downloadable space. It looks like a nice catch-all, as there appears to be something for every type of gamer:

I Am Alive: A new take on the survival horror genre. The protagonist returns to his hometown a year after “The Event.” Post-apocalyptic combat is short on bullets, so you may find intimidation a better tool. Entering combat situations by shoving a gun in someone’s face can still be a good tactic as long as they don’t know you’re out of bullets. Coming soon (winter release).

Shoot Many Robots: Pretty much exactly as it sounds. Shoot lots of robots, score lots of loot. Two player offline co-op, four player online. P. Walter Tugnut wages war on the robots of the world. I’m sure I speak for all of the contributing writers here at Big Shiny Robot! when I denounce the very concept of a game devoted to a robot holocaust. Robots are people too, and we won’t stand for this glorification of genocide by the anti-droidists. But if you disagree, watch for this one in early 2012.

Babel Rising: What a concept! While it is clearly a tower-defense style game, it’s really the exact opposite since you’re destroying a tower. The player is God. Not a god. God. As in the God of the Old Testament. And those pesky Babylonians have the gall to think they can build a tower tall enough to carry them to Heaven. Do what any good and just God would do. Smite their creativity and enthusiasm by hitting them with lightning, earthquakes, and floods. You’ll teach them not to want to reach the kingdom of heaven you promised them. 2012.

Project Haste (working title): Developed by Techland (Nail’d), this is ATV racing as it should be: speed, wild locations, insane tricks, customization, and competitive multiplayer. 2012.

Kind of a strange week for news. Not much of anything solid, but there are a few kernels that could really develop into gems. I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween weekend. If you’re in the Salt Lake City area, come meet the Big Shiny Robot! crew at Brewvies (677 S 200 W) on Sunday. Geek Show Podcast will be will be showing Creepshow at five o’clock, followed by a costume contest. If you haven’t done one of these Halloween shows before, you really need to check them out. I have seen some fantastic costumes in the last few years. Following the contest, Big Shiny Robot! presents AMC’s The Walking Dead on the big screen. Best part, it’s all free. Good beer and great food are also available.