Top 5 Comic Couples Pt 3

Next, another high profile comic book couple!

This one probably would have made second on the list were it not for, er…recent events.

Namely that whole deal with the devil thing. Nearly breaks the tragic ending rule, that.

But hey, editorial mandate can’t keep those two down, we know they’ll get back together anyway! For now, let’s reflect on the GOOD parts of the relationship of…

Spiderman and Mary Jane Watson

In addition to forgetting Peter Parker has a sense of humor, the movies also forgot that instead of a bland damsel in distress, Mary Jane Watson is actually a sassy, snarky redhead whose sense of fun compliments Peter’s geeky one liners, as well as makes his angst bearable at times.

I mean, look at her introduction. This girl knows she’s hot, and she’s confident in who she is.

Peter Parker is an adorable (and often angsty) geek. Mary Jane is party girl diva. Together, they are the perfect recipe for fun. They’re both from completely seperate worlds, so they find each other fascinating. Mary Jane’s connections to the social scene keep Peter from becoming a complete wallflower, while Peter gives her someone she can be herself with, someone she doesn’t have to pose for or please. And their mairrage only made them more fun.

Sometimes it’s easier to commiserate with Peter’s troubles if we have someone worrying for him. In addition, Mary Jane being a prominent character next to Peter allows for more story lines, and the type that a close relationship or mairrage offers are particularly interesting. If Peter is truly to be the every man, he needs a girlfriend who can help him step outside the superheroics once in a while, to test him and try him in the everyday world.

In conclusion, that redhead with an attitude is a big part of the Spiderman mythos, and those two are one of the best comic couples out there, whether Marvel wants to admit it or not. For now, we’ll just have to enjoy the moments they had, and realize they will have those moments again someday.

But most of all, we have to remember that Mary Jane is the only one who can get Peter to shut off his angst machine, and we sure as hell need her for that.