The Sunday Funnies: Elf Only Inn

We’re going back a little bit for this one, Elf Only Inn was a webcomic which was sorta big from about 04-07. The great thing about this comic is it really brought out the nature of online chat rooms and RPGs. The comic is about a group of characters who are all in the same internet chat room which is used to role play different fantasy type characters. Every character appears as their online persona like Lady Megan Ayrwyn who is an elf. Sometimes she speaks like her out of character persona and the comic sometimes goes into their own lives. The comic is entirely in the chat room though so one of the characters “Woot” is a tentacle monster so he always shows up looking like that.

The comic followed a narrative during most of it’s incarnation and it’s a very fun comic all around. It really brings back a lot of memories of how the internet was during the early 2000s. I’d recommend going through it and seeing if it’s your cup of tea. It can be found here:

Elf Only Inn

The Goku character was always my favorite.