‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Goes Viral and Gives Us Our First Look at Bane!

Yesterday, Warner Bros. announced that The Dark Knight Rises had gone into production and to go along with that they launched the official web page for the anticipated film, thus also launching their viral campaign.

Upon visiting the site you are only greeted with a blank, black screen with chanting-type music playing. Seriously. That’s it. Well, someone over in the Superhero Hype message forums took it upon themselves by taking a look at the sounds in an audio program and came up with this:

It turns out that tweeting using the hashtag of @thefirerises will slowly fill in a mosaic image at http://www.thedarkknightrises.com/image.html using twitter account avatars that have used that hashtag. At the time of this post, this is where they are at with the image:

The image obviously isn’t complete yet, but the geek community is an impatient and resourceful bunch, and the full image has already been uncovered! And guess what. It’s our first look at Tom Hardy as Bane (click the image below for high-res)!

It amazes me that no matter how obscure or complicated these viral campaigns get, someone always finds a way to decipher it. I never in a million years would have thought to plug that audio file into a program expecting to get results like a Twitter hashtag!

If history has taught us anything it’s that this is probably only the tip of the iceberg for this viral campaign and we will be sure to bring you more The Dark Knight Rises goodies as quickly as we can as they’re unveiled!

Source: Superhero Hype!

Of course this isn’t a super-clear view of the man who broke the Bat’s back, but what do you think of the look of Nolan’s version of Bane? Sound off in the comments below!