Super Mega Awesome Top 5 Comic Book Couples!

It’s the time of year for romantic lists and pics!

I picked these relationships very carefully. What I wanted was relationships that were entertaining and hadn’t ended tragically with, say, one or both of them dying, or being raped or a nasty break up with both of them hating each other and tears and all that. I wanted people who were either still happily together, or good friends. Because this was comics, it’s near impossible coming up with five of these, much less five of these I genuinely LIKED. So a couple of them skirt being tragic, but this one fits all the requirements splendidly!

For our first offering, we have what is in my humble opinion comics best couple!

Lois Lane and Superman

Lois Lane and Superman’s romance had lasted more than 60 years- and currently in the comics Metropolis’s power couple has been married for thirteen of those years. Lois and Superman’s relationship captured the heart of millions- the courtship of a kindhearted Kansas boy and fiery city girl, that of a powerful superhero and intrepid reporter. It’s the most famous comic book romance of all, and that’s because Lois and Clark are a great team of equals and they both benefit from the relationship.

Lois was from her earliest incarnation, just as intelligent and brave as Superman, and a crimefighter in her own right, one who didn’t need to be a superhero. She was the only one with enough drive, adventurous spirit and above all, cajones to keep a guy who could crack the world in half interested. Her insatiable curiosity, toughness and ambition complimented Clark’s general easygoing sort of awkwardness and calm demeanor enough to keep the stories interesting. In fact, you could argue Clark’s civilian escapades wouldn’t be that interesting without Lois at all.

In her original incarnation, Lois was a glass-ceiling breaking badass, easily smart enough and tough enough to keep up with the Man of Steel.

Clark’s relationship with Lois kept him interesting and relatable, and Lois was an exciting character to follow in her own right, just as heroic and into truth and justice as Superman, only a reporter instead of a superhero.

Of course, then the Silver age came, and for the 50’s and 60’s their relationship devolved into this:

Lois’s sole goal in life became to marry Superman and she became an obsessive stalking little harpy, meanwhile, Superman became a huge jerk who was constantly teaching Lois a “lesson” by torturing her in ways like, say, tricking her into thinking she was going to hell because she made an offhand comment like “I’d make a deal with the devil to marry Superman!” Lois was also fond of throwing herself in danger, not for justice or a good headline, but simply because she wanted to get Supes attention or because she was too stupid to know better. Her stalking of Supes never got anywhere, since he seemed permanantly stuck in the “girls are icky” stage. Not that any sane man would want to marry someone like Silver Age Lois even if they weren’t…

Thankfully, the Silver Age ended, and Lois got back to being an awesome independent career woman, and Clark back to being a totally sweet and powerful superhero who was head over heels for her.

Look at that. She’s an ambitious and hardcore reporter, and he totally loves it. That’s how it should be. Lois keeps Superman grounded in reality, and her less idealistic point of view, not to mention fantastic detective skills shed new light on situations for him. Okay with the superhero weirdness, she gives him the comfort he needs. Meanwhile, Superman gives Lois the love, support and most of all excitement she craves, as well as softening her sharper edges.

Eventually, Clark finally married Lois and revealed his secret identity to her.  Some writers are all “oh, mairrage damages characters and closes doors to stories!” but they are wrong. The writers of Lois and Clark actually had the balls to take their relationship to the next level. “Haha, Lois doesn’t know I am really Superman, and I tricked her *winkwink*” gets boring after forty years. And Mr. and Mrs. Lane-Kent are an awesome team. Now that there’s no deception between them, Lois is a valuable asset to Supes, and vice versa. They are a great husband and wife team that can kick your ass,  and there’s plenty of room for romance, drama, action and new stories there.

See? Look how awesome and sexy and cute they are. So much squishiness. And their banter never gets old.

Of course, like I said, there’s lots of problems and drama in a mairrage that can make for good stories as well. Like, due to his Kryptonianness, they probably can’t have kids!

Gasp, the drama!

In conclusion, Lois and Clark are an awesome and eduring power couple, and in addition to being the most famous, most enduring and happiest, they  are probably the coolest. And unlike…pretty much most other comic book couples, they are still married and in love. Isn’t that perfect for Valentines day?

Stay tuned for part 2!