Sunday Funnies: ‘The Perry Bible Fellowship’

Growing up I always looked forward to the Sunday newspaper. Like most kids I wasn’t interested in current events and was happy to leave the bulk of morning’s delivery to my parents. I was interested in one thing only, the funnies. Like many of you, I no longer subscribe to a newspaper, but I do have an internet connection, so the sacred ritual of Sunday funnies lives on. This week’s selection is…

“The Perry Bible Fellowship” (8 out of 10) Written and drawn by Nicholas Gurewitch; Potentially NSFW.

The Perry Bible Fellowship” takes its name from a church in Maine and was created by Nicholas Gurewitch when he attended Syracuse University and was originally published in their school paper. The comic tends to derive its humor from the juxtaposition of childhood whimsy with stark reality or by taking classic ideas and subverting them.

During the height of its run it was being updated each Sunday and was published in 21 newspapers, five magazines, and five school papers. Now PBF is published exclusively online and updates, in the words of its creator, “wheneverly.”

The strip has no cohesive story, opting instead for standalone self contained bits. While an overarching story, like our previous feature “Demon,” certainly has its own appeal, PBF allows you to jump in wherever and enjoy the strips in whatever order you see fit, making the use of the site’s random button worthwhile and fun. Bear in mind that while many of the PBF strips are safe for work, many of them are not, so browse at your own risk.

The art style of PBF varies from strip to strip, sometimes utilizing simplistic drawings with minimal features and sometimes showcasing fantastic detail. Despite this variance each strip still feels like a part of the same larger universe, a universe where the rules of logic and justice have long since departed.

I’ve selected a few of my favorites for you below and you can visit The Perry Bible Fellowship and read more to your heart’s content, or until you run out. As always if you enjoy the strip, we would encourage you to support the artist by checking out their shop or by sharing with your friends.







