Sunday Funnies: Oglaf (NSFW)

Today we bring you the very NSFW Oglaf.

Remember if you click on the links there are very likely to be nudity of all sorts and graphic themes so if that is not something you want in a comic then you better not check this out. If you are fine with that however you have a pretty funny comic which takes place in a fantasy realm and has lots of sex. For instance try this one on for size.

I have a bit of an irrational fear about licking ice but I don’t know how I’d fare in that situation. Now that you had that, how about a comic about men’s honor?

It even takes plot devices you’ve seen in different fantasy novels and gives them a nice sexy twist.

The comic used to be more of just one off type comics, funny moments to be had but now it seems it’s going into more story arcs. It only updates every sunday so if you really like it, it should only take one day of reading to get through. Oglaf does update weekly and in the archive section it does say if there are some safe comics in case you want to show your friends.