Shaz-Bot’s Gut Reaction Reviews: 11/07!

After last week’s onslaught of pricey annual issues, this week in comics was fortunately a relatively light one for me. What I did get happens to contain more good than bad. So while I am not full of misappropriated fanboy rage this week, I still have gut reactions, and here they are!

Earth 2 #6: Well, it turns out no matter what world you’re on in the New 52, if you the prime Green Lantern, you’re destined to be kind of a dick. Pretty good ending to the first arc though. I’m curious to see where it goes from here.

The Shadow #7: I was on the verge of dropping this book. Then we got a new creative team that was such a breath of fresh air that I’m now in for the long haul (barring more creative shake-ups, that is).

Dial H #6: This was a new and interesting way to do a “downtime” issue. It re-affirmed why I like this little quirky series. Still wondering if we’ll ever see Robby Reed though, possibly next issue, actually.

47 Ronin #1: I don’t know much about Japanese history, but I like Stan Sakai. They say “to know this story is to know Japan”. I was engrossed enough that I was disappointed when the issue was over.

Action Comics #14: Superman fights angels sent by someone who is not quite Mxyzptlk. Also, Neil deGrasse Tyson finds the location of Krypton. Celeb appearances can be forced, but this worked really well.

Green Lantern #14: I’m not sure about this “Third Army” stuff. I’ll bet the Guardians get replaced by the exiled ones by stories end. Also, new GL Simon Baz doesn’t help his precaarious situation by running from the JLA.

Detective Comics #14: Batman has an interesting way to keep Ivy from controlling him. Cool. I can’t believe that a thug would not kill a helpless Batman, orders or not. That kind of killed this issue for me.

Avenging Spider-Man #14: I have to turn in my internet blogger card for this, but I’m not super-familiar with Devil Dinosaur. This issue was fun anyway. They should just call it the book Marvel Team-Up, though.

Defenders #12: You know this book that was supposed to be all important and stuff? Everything is negated in this issue. I hate when that happens! I like the Defenders, but this iteration didn’t work too well for me. Matt Fraction is a cool guy, though.

AvX Consequences #5: The real consequence of this book is that I can’t take Cyclops seriously as a villain or an anti-hero.

Green Arrow #14: I picked this up because I am liking the Arrow series on TV. I won’t be making that mistake again. No idea what’s going on, and a Hawkman team-up didn’t help.

World’s Finest #6: Huntress and Power Girl finally interact with their Earth-1 counterparts. It’s incredibly interesting. There are a lot of winks to the audience if you know Huntress and Damien’s parentage, which if you read this book, you should anyway.

Iron Man #1: I shouldn’t like this book. It rehashes Extremis, it gives Iron Man a weird almost black and gold armor. It commits the cardinal sin of shaving Tony Stark’s facial hair. Yet, it’s very good, and I will keep picking it up.

TMNT Color Classics #6: Over the years, I think I’ve bought this issue nearly 10 times over. I… I think I have a problem, guys.