Shaz-Bot’s Gut Reaction Reviews: 10/24!

I read a lot of comics every week. So much that it can be hard to peg down a review for each one. Then I realized we live in a world where people can express their thoughts in 140 characters or less, so why can’t I (give or take a few letters)?  These reviews may or may not be a bit spoilery. You’ve been warned! Welcome to the first installment of… Gut Reactions!


Kamen Rider Manga #1: No other book this week has their main character fight and kill both Spider-Man AND Batman! (no relation) Legal digital manga is cool.

Bravest Warriors #1: Pendleton Ward could spit a concept onto a napkin and I’d probably enjoy it. Now we have another great all-ages book in the vein of Adventure Time.

Batman Incorporated #4: Maybe this iteration of Jason Todd will stick? At least he’s kinda sorta part of the Bat Family again. New 52 screwed this series, though.

Amazing Spider-Man #696: Hobgoblin vs. Hobgoblin to the death… until they realize they can kill others together!  I enjoy this book more than I should, I think.

Talon #1: Talon gets his own Alfred (albeit with much more of an edge), a costume, and a purpose. This is definitely a book to watch.

Ghost #1:  I really like Kelly Sue DeConnick’s Captain Marvel, but this doesn’t do it for me. Ah well. Not bad, just not for me.

The Shadow #6: Not especially thrilled with the WWII/Enola Gay comeuppance. I wish I enjoyed this book more than I do. I dig The Shadow, but not here. Awesome cover, tho.

Teen Titans #13: The origin of Wonder Girl in this issue is something I’d feature in one of my Secret Origins columns, but only to make fun of it.

Flash #13: I am intrigued by the portrayal of the Rogues here. Grodd is a bit too vicious for mehere, but hey, he is a humongous super-intelligent gorilla. He can do what he wants.

Firestorm #13: This read like an old-school comic in a good way. I hated this book when it started. That opinion has changed for the better.

A-Babies Vs. X-Babies: A fun little parody of the whole A Vs. X brouhaha. This book is worth it for the double-page splash alone. Loved all of the visual gags.

National Comics Madame X: I love these one-shots DC is doing, they all rule so far. I hate that they are one-shots. This issue would make for a good TV show. Get on it, DC/WB/CW/random letters!

FF #23: I’m really, REALLY going to miss Hickman on FF/Fantastic Four. This very fitting ending makes me want to re-read the entire run again.

Superman #13: Hey, remember Clark Kent? He’s in this issue! And he quits the Daily Planet to become a bum or something! Exciting!

Star Trek TNG/Doctor Who #6: I like this series, but it’s taken this long to get to any semblance of action. You can only geek out so much before you need the plot to actually move.

Invincible #96: A terrible jumping on point, but long time fans like, get a lot of interesting developments this issue. I seriously wonder what the heck #100 will bring, though.


And there you have it for this week. Agree? Disagree? Too brief? Let us know what you want out of this column!