UPDATED: SCRIPT REVIEW: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

This space did, indeed, contain a blisteringly positive review for an early draft of the screenplay for Scott Pilgrim.

But we got a call about 5 hours after it was posted by Jared LeBoff, one of the films producers. He was quite cool about it and asked if we could take the review down. We have experience with being asked to have stuff taken down, but this was actually the first producer to call and politely ask us to do it personally and they were super-sticky-sweet about it. It was waaaaay cooler than the cease-and-desist letters Warner Brothers sent us…

So we’ve taken it down.

They are, however, going to get us in the loop for the press for Scott Pilgrim when the film ramps up production.

In the meantime, what do you guys think of the Scott Pilgrim movie and all the news you’ve heard about it to date?