UPDATED: Scott Pilgrim on Adult Swim

I’m sure there is a decent amount of people out there who have seen, or have heard about the movie and what is and is not in it. Taking six books and cramming them into a movie is hard so of course some stuff just doesnt make it in. Well Adult Swim got together with Bryan Lee O’Malley and Edgar Wright to take the high school flashback from book 2 and turn it into an animated short. Slashfilm has all the details and 2 clips, here’s a little bit from them and click here to check out the full story.

We were approached by Universal to do something cool around the release of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. Being huge fans of the comic, and very excited about the film, we asked if we could produce an animated short in the style of the comic. The filmmakers and Bryan Lee O’Malley were into the idea, so we actually made it! Edgar Wright was kind enough to secure some of the talent from the film for us, so we have Michael Cera as Scott, Allison Pill as Kim, Mae Whitman as Lisa and Jason Schwartzman as Simon Lee doing voices in the short.

UPDATE: Scott Pilgrim vs the Animation airs Thursday August 12th in two parts between 12 and 12:30 am, inside commercial breaks on [adult swim]. It will also be available in full on adultswim.com, and on the [adult swim] and Scott Pilgrim FaceBook pages the day after it airs.