With over 70,000 people attending just a few weeks ago, Salt Lake Comic Con was a resounding success for everyone concerned. Not only did local geeks get an event worthy, or even better, than others around the country, but it’s quite obvious the promoters made out very well too, so it’s understandable that all of us are excited for what part two is expected to bring next September.
At least that was when we were assuming it would take place, but if recent comments by SLCC founder Dan Farr are to be believed, we might be seeing something much sooner — just three and a half months from now.
In a recent interview with the Salt Lake Tribune, Farr said that they are working on bringing an event to Salt Lake from January 9-11, despite the fact it will be in the middle of winter (and cold as hell) and only a week before Sundance. When pressed about it, he had little in the way of details, only saying that it “wouldn’t be Comic Con 2.0” since it would be impossible to put something of that scale together in such a short amount of time. It would apparently also have fewer attendees as he promised that the line to get in would not stretch back to the Energy Solutions Arena like it did this year, but instead would be fully contained within the Salt Palace Convention Center.
While it is cool that we made a big enough mark to make future cons a sure thing, I’m not so certain how the general public is going to react to this. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m still worn out from two weeks ago, and with the next one planned to take place so quickly and right after the holiday season, will people be ready to turn out and spend as much money as before?
Farr was quick to point out that aside from SLCC 2014 next fall, January is not a sure thing, so nothing may come of this. But if it does, stay tuned to BSR, as we’ll be bringing you the latest updates as soon as we hear them!