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Ultimate Spider-man #124
By Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen
Published by Marvel Comics
Release Date: 07/30/2008
This issue was a step up from last month’s issue, I can tell you that. And I have to say, Kill’s review of last month’s issue was pretty glowing (and accurate.)
Last month was focused on Eddie Brock’s plight as Venom, this month focuses on the introduction of a new Ultimate character (The Beetle, pictured above on the cover) who’s focused on getting the symbiotic goop for himself… Or whoever…
I want to single out Justin Ponsor’s colors. They work so well on this book and the compulsory showdown between The Beetle and Spider-man across the Manhattan skyline is nothing short of breathtaking, thanks to the fantastic coloring job. A lot of colorists skimp on the backgrounds, but not Ponsor. For example:
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And seriously, Bendis’ Nick Fury is pretty much the coolest badass. I know a few of you disagree with that (*cough*Joey Mousepad*cough*) but I enjoy seeing him in Ultimate Spider-man. In fact, I’m pretty sure I could dig it if he were in every issue and this issue is no exception. He knows how to play Peter Parker like a harp from hell and it’s fun as hell to watch.
This book is so fun and enjoyable, I can’t imagine why there are people who read comics that still aren’t reading it. I’ll admit that I’m a recent convert, but this stuff is fantastic. And it all seems to be leading to a place we all want to go in the Ultimate Universe: Latveria. Does this have something to do with Ultimatum?
I honestly don’t have an answer to that. I’m just wondering aloud on the off-chance anyone out there does know. ‘Cuz seriously, Bendis has got me guessing.
Bottom Line: You must have some kind of data-error on your hard drive if you’re not reading this book, because every self-respecting robot should be.