REVIEW: Teen Titans #67

Another battle, another issue of Teen Titans…

Written by Sean McKeever

Art by Fernando Dagnigo

If there’s one word I would pick to describe this issue it’s “average”. Which isn’t neccesarily a bad thing. After all, I had stopped picking up Teen Titans because it had become such a fetid pile of angst. But after picking up issue #66 (motivated by a certain character I liked appearing in it) I was surprised to discover it was very… angst free. So I decided to give the title another chance.

This issue continues the trend of being misery free, but then again, not much happened in it. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t good either. It can be pretty much summed up by “The Titans fought Brother Blood a little.” Several things happened that are clearly the start of new plot developments, the arrival of a new member, another member having one of his secrets revealed rather anticlimatically and a dastardly villian escaping from Hell. But it wasn’t particularly interesting along the way.

Also, some of the character voices seemed a bit off at times, specifically Misfit and Jaime, but it wasn’t too bad.

It did have a moment. I have to admit, seeing the spirit of Aquagirl (of all people) completely own Brother Blood was pretty ace. Mostly because it’s Aquagirl, who historically didn’t get to do much…of anything.

I still have no idea how Wonder Girl’s new lasso works. Or her new shirt, actually. Or why she isn’t wearing bracers. (She’s an honorary Amazon, she better wear bracers. I will complain about this until is changes.) But she continues not to be painfully obnoxious for the first time in years, which can only be a good thing.

The art…I can’t decide if it’s better or worse than Eddy Barrows. Probably a bit better, because it isn’t scratchy and has a bit less twisting of spines. It does have serious anatomy issues otherwise, particularly in the wasp waist and bowed back areas, and isn’t very clear or dynamic. And the lady in the last panel totally had some porn face going on.
In conclusion, I will continue picking up the title, because it seems to not horrible anymore, and I’m interested in seeing Wonder Girl read. It isn’t great, but I’m too much of a Teen Titans groupie to drop it just because of that.