‘Star Wars: Legacy #14’

There’s a storm on the horizon, and it’s converging on Ania Solo!

Star Wars: Legacy Vol. 2 #14 (DarkHorse.com profileis out this week, and there’s a lot of trouble headed Ania Solo’s way. 

Summary: With the help of her old flame Ramid, Ania Solo has escaped a bounty hunter after crash landing on a nasty planet, while Sauk, AG-37, and Jao Assam have finally reached the world. On Coruscant, Yalta Val has done some digging into the records to prove that Ania is the wrong suspect for the murder of an Imperial Knight she’s wanted for. Taking shelter during a glass storm, Ania and Ramid clear the air and get sanctuary from an unlikely source and reach the outpost’s comm station. But it turns out that the bounty hunter has gotten there first, and Ramid is killed. AG has spotted Ania’s position and Jao, now knowing Yalta Val’s facts, charges in to rescue. Ania escapes, only to end up outside in an acid storm.

Review: This issue is crammed with action: hailing glass, bounty hunters, giant bugs, and laser whips. But we also get a good conversation as Ramid explains his past after Ania left him, thinking him shot dead in the prison camp, and his reasons for trying to score the bounty on her. While not fully trusting him, she apologizes for her actions, and Ramid agrees to not turn her in at this time. Then they get thrown back into the fray, with a battle with the mysterious female bounty hunter who won’t stay dead — and who may be the real killer of the Imperial Knight. Sauk, AG and Jao take a backseat in this issue, which is fine since they’ve gotten more page time in the previous issues with their debate over searching for Ania and her likely guilt or innocence in the murder. Instead we get more Ania, with Ramid, as all the parties have to stop to wait out the glass storm. 

Artwise, Gabriel Hardman, with colors by Jordan Boyd and the lettering by Michael Heisler, gives us a great full page of Jao and Sauk at the wreckage of Ramid’s ship, and another great panel of AG striding off in the glass rain. For the action scenes, we get some very cool shots of the battle between the bounty hunter with her laser whip and Ania and Ramid and Jao, and a cool shot at the end, with Ania in the acid rain. Good job all around!

Overall, a great issue!  Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman continue the mystery of the hunt for Ania Solo while wrapping up Ramid and Ania’s relationship and they keep the tension level high throughout.