REVIEW: Pilot Season #1 Asset

I can see this book being pitched as a T.V. show:
Kick ass lead female uses love as a weapon, She sets up men to kill for her via online dating. Let’s see if we can get Eliza Dushku involved.

Top Cow’s synopsis:

Finding that someone special in the modern age isn’t easy; but online dating sites promise matches based on multi-faceted personality profiles. So what happens when you meet the woman of your dreams but she turns out to be more than what she seems? Madeline would be the perfect girlfriend if it wasn’t for the fact that she’s trying to get Doug killed. Created and written by Top Cow Publisher Filip Sablik (Black Diamond) and debuting up-and-coming artist David Marquez (Syndrome) along with a cover by Jenny Frison (Angel), The Asset redefines the femme fatale for the digital age.

You might guess I find the story a little ‘by the numbers’, but I don’t want to get mired down in repeating all the places I’ve heard similar takes so I’ll point to what I really enjoyed about the book.

Admittedly I’ve never heard of David Marquez or noticed his art work before, but this looks really good. The anatomy is drawn particularly well on the lead character Madeline the true Asset (sexual innuendo?) of the book. The story telling is strong and the ‘talking head’ scenes look just as good as the action. The highlight is an awesome ultra violent fist fight on an escalator that starts out with cool Manga style motion lines and explodes in an exciting two page spread.

Don’t get the wrong impression from my pessimistic introduction to this review, the book is in no way written badly the story just didn’t capture my imagination like it could have, maybe a second issue would offer a little more insight if it’s given the chance. As of right now I don’t know how Top Cow plans on gathering the votes for this years Pilot Season, but of the first two books offered 39 minutes has my vote and David Marquez has a new fan. His art feels flowing and original, check out his website for a little info on his creative process.
