REVIEW: Action Comics #873

The crossover ends…FOR NOW!

The stunning finale of New Krypton!

It was…it was…sort of interesting?

The truth it, this crossover’s purpose seemed to be to set up Superman’s new status quo. Which is an interesting one, in the fact that it’s different from the usual and has possibilities, but I find myself disappointed in the crossover itself. It packed very little emotional punch, and Superman especially seemed very wooden in his reactions, in a situation that really should have tested and explored his character. Supergirl fared a little better, and I’m actually very interested in where she’s going.

We leave the issue with a bunch of plotlines dangling, but on purpose, because, as I’ve said, this crossover was entirely a set-up for the “bold new direction.” The issue itself- well, the moment with Superwoman was quite cool, thanks to the art mostly….and I’m not quite sure how Zatanna and the other magically powered folks “Shazam” spell did what it did. As small as it was, I liked Lois and Lana’s conversation as well. Superman didn’t do much of anything in this issue, but then, he hasn’t done much of anything during the entire crossover.

So I come to the conclusion that this was an okay storyline-nothing more, nothing less. It was worth buying, and it had an interesting hook, but it wasn’t particularly exciting, or emotionally engaging.

The art was handled by Pete Woods, one of my favorite artists, but he didn’t seem quite up to form. I don’t know if he had to do this quickly or what, but it wasn’t his usual quality. Though, as I said, he did a wicked panel with Superwoman. Renato Guedes handled a few pages, and he was fantastic, as always.

So where will New Krypton lead us? Hopefully to something more epic than the crossover itself turned out to be.