PODCAST: July Big Shiny Podcast!


This Month’s Podcast Features:

Zombietron, Mexicus Prime, Kill-tacular-tron, Vagatron and Arse-bot

It’s that time of the month again! No, not that one. It’s time for your monthly dose of the Big Shiny Podcast!

This month we talk about some of our favorite things from this year’s Comic-Con including all the new Ghostbusters swag, the Amazing Spider-Man panel, leaked trailers and all that good stuff. We talk Netflix rate hikes, badger Mexicus Prime for being off his game and try to stop him from doing multiple really bad impressions to no avail. All of us gush over Captain America as we spoil pretty much the entire movie for Zombietron – who has yet to see it and is the biggest Cap fan out of all of us. We have Vagatron’s usual grab bag of comics to talk about, and this month he brought a very unusual but good lot of recommendations, including Screamland. Stick around for the end of the ‘cast as we bring you another edition of “Joking Off with Jimmy” as he and Arse-bot share the overly dramatic story of opening up comicbook holds and how his girlfriend’s aunt wanted to bang him on a camping trip!

So hit us up on iTunes (and leave a review while you’re there!) or snag the mp3, plug in your headphones and geek out with us as you sit at work pretending to be busy!

