New ‘Thor’ Photo Featuring Odin, Loki, and Thor!

The LA Times has posted an article on their site confirming that (sigh) Thor and Captain America will be being released in 3D along side the standard not-3D. But, more importantly, as you can see above, they released a pretty sweet picture featuring Anthony Hopkins as Odin, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, and Chris Hemsworth as Thor!

As far as the 3D goes, Marvel seems to be pretty excited about it, but neither Thor nor Captain America were/are shot using 3D cameras – which means they will be using that shitty “post-conversion” technique used in recent films such as The Last Airbender. If you are familiar with the post-conversion style of 3D compared to that of a film actually shot with 3D cameras, the difference is significant – and I am definitely not a fan of 3D in general really, let alone the post-conversion style.

But alas, Marvel and the Directors will do what they want, and those of us not as excited as others to see these movies in after-the-fact 3D can be comforted in knowing everything gets released in standard format as well, so we won’t be forced to see it in “3D”!

Here’s a little of what Branagh had to say about Thor coming to theaters in 3D:

“We came to feel that in our case 3-D could be the very good friend of story and character for a different kind of experience,” Branagh said, taking a break from post-production. The filmmaker said the terminology of the 3-D process initially made him cringe — at first, it was “math and physics and way over my head,” he said with a chuckle — but then he started to pulse with the unexpected artistic opportunities.

“It’s another draft of the story that can reveal itself in a different way,” he said. “I had a healthy degree of skepticism up front … I’ve become somebody extremely excited about working with possibilities of doing it this way.”

You can check out the full article over at the LA Times to see what else Branagh had to say about the process and get Captain America director, Joe Johnston’s take on “gimmicky” 3D as well!

So Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger will be coming at you in (post-conversion) 3D! Will you check them out in 3D, or will you opt for standard format? Discuss it in the Big Shiny Robot Forum or leave a comment below!