New Online Service for Exclusive Comics Art

Big Shiny Robot! has received a press release regarding a new online service for comics fans. Here’s the official press, followed by my own thoughts on the site:

COMICS PIPELINE debuts new pairing of top comic creators with web technology!

Chicago, IL – 20 September 2010 – COMICS PIPELINE is a new website that is partnering with some of the hottest talent in the comics industry to deliver exclusive, never-before-seen artwork directly from the artists’ drawing table to their fans.

Comics Pipeline is now offering a taste of some of the exclusive artwork by Ben Templesmith (Choker, 30 Days of Night), Tyler Kirkham (Green Lantern Corps), Talent Caldwell (Batgirl), and Jimmie Robinson (Bomb Queen), just four of the many creators that will be launching with Comics Pipeline in November!

“The possibilities for both the creators and the fans are endless,” explains Kristen Simon, recent editor for industry leader Image Comics, and now the Creative Director for Comics Pipeline. “Fans can subscribe to their favorite creators and gain access to all-new, full-realized comic book stories, webcomics, sketches, ideas, and behind-the-scenes artwork from their favorite series!”

Jason Simon, Director of Operations, adds, “Comics Pipeline is redefining comics. will contain only original, never-before-seen artwork and stories by the exciting creators that drive this industry. We don’t deal with material that people have already seen and read. The artwork and stories found on will be fresh and new, not merely reprinted, presented in an online format.”

Comics Pipeline is officially launching in November, 2010, and has partnered with Chicago-based web developer Tecture to launch its site and hone its online, social, and mobile strategies.

For more information, visit

I took a look at the site even though it doesn’t launch until November 1st. It does give you the opportunity to sign up now for some exclusive previews and to get on their mailing list for announcements about when the service becomes available. Four names are prominently attached to this site: Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night), Jimmie Robinson (Bomb Queen), Tyler Kirkham (Green Lantern) and Talent Caldwell (Superman, Spider-Man). Each artist will have a “pipeline” they load with whatever they want and you subscribe to each one to see their art and comment on it. This almost seems like a Twitter service but they explicitly say this is not a social network.

Reading the FAQ, I found a few highlights you’ll want to know if you think this is for you.

  1. You subscribe only to the artists you want. You won’t get spammed with other artists’ work.
  2. Cost is $5/month. I’m not clear on whether that $5 is per artist subscribed or to the entire site.
  3. Material cannot be printed or shared with friends. Also, your access is available only as long as you have your account.
  4. This content will only ever see print in “a best-of anthology in the future that will be determined by the subscribers of the website by way of votes and favorites.”

There’s definitely a market for this type of service. I’m excited to see how it all comes together when it launches in November. This really is huge news if you’re the kind of comics reader who spends hours staring at the pictures and forgets to read the words. Personally, I’m kind of the opposite, having to remind myself to look at the awesome art going on behind the dialogue. My prediction is the site will hinge on the quality of the artists they bring to the “pipeline.” As busy as the top tier talent is making comics, how much time do they have to post stuff that won’t see print? And what about copyright issues? Will publishers like DC, Marvel, Image, etc. let concept art for characters they own be published in this way?