MARVEL: Phase 3 Includes Dr. Strange!

We’ve all been expecting Dr. Strange to come together sooner rather than later. He’s a character perfectly suited to this new Marvel Universe, he’s of about the same level of importance and popularity that Iron Man was before his film launched, and he’s owned by Marvel Studios outright.

Marvel Producer Kevin Feige confirmed to MTV News that Dr. Strange was, indeed, in:

“‘Doctor Strange,’ which I’ve been talking about for years, is definitely one of them,” he confirmed. “He’s a great, original character, and he checks the box off this criteria that I have: he’s totally different from anything else we have, just like ‘Guardians of the Galaxy.’ He’s totally different from anything we’ve done before, as is ‘Ant-Man,’ which keeps us excited.”

For those who may not know, Dr. Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme. A former brain surgeon who lost the finer use of his hands in an accident is chosen to be brought into a life of cosmic magic. He’s one of the most epic characters in the Marvel Universe and when things are beyond his power, you know things are grim. He’d mesh well with many aspects of the current Marvel movie continuity and I’d love to see him face off with The Avengers.

Perhaps we’ll get a Secret Defenders movie out of this? Why not? I mean, Guardians of the Galaxy was equally unexpected, why not The Secret Defenders?

If you’re interested in catching up on some Dr. Strange comics, Brian K. Vaughn’s “The Oath” is a great place to start.