MARVEL: Hank Pym to be Played by…

Marvel Studios announced today that Academy Award winner Michael Douglas would be playing the role of Hank Pym in Edgar Wright’s upcoming adaptation of “Ant-Man.” This follows the announcement that Paul Rudd would be playing Scott Lang.

It answers a lot of questions about what the story might be.

Hank Pym is, as we know, the original Ant-Man, and Scott Lang is a burglar turned hero. Both of those roles fit well with Rudd and Douglas. In the comics, Lang’s daughter was seriously ill and he broke into Pym’s home, stole the suit, and used it to free the scientist able to save his daughter from his captivity.

According to the Marvel press release:

The two-time Academy Award-winning actor will join director Edgar Wright and Paul Rudd in Marvel’s “Ant-Man,” hitting theaters July 31, 2015.


“With Hank Pym’s rich history in the Marvel Universe, we knew we needed an actor capable of bringing the weight and stature to the role that the character deserves,” said Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige. “We felt incredibly relieved when Michael Douglas agreed to step into the part with the charm and fortitude he brings to every character he inhabits, and couldn’t be more excited to see what he will do to bring Hank Pym to life.”

I couldn’t be more excited for this film. It hits theatres July 31st, 2015.