Marvel Civilian Blog

I was recently pointed in the direction of a really interesting blog that has a pretty cool concept to it that regular readers of this site might be interested in checking out.

It’s called the Citizen Journalists: Various Issues.

This site is the blog equivalant of Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross’ Marvels book.  It’s a civilians take on the happenings in the Marvel Universe.   It’s fairly new, but they have an open submission policy and they only have three rules for submitting:

1) Your story cannot be written from a Superhero or Supervillian’s point of view. No trademarked characters at all, period.

2) You can talk about Supers but cannot make any significant changes to the current Marvel Universe. All stories should reflect and seamlessly fit into the existing Universe. This is part of the challenge and fun of this project.

3) Keep your profanity and erotica to a minimum, reign yourself in to keep this page available for all ages.

The site is fairly new with only three posts and all of them from this month but this seems like it will be a cool creative writing space to watch in the future and possibly even participate in.

I know I’ll be keeping my eye on it.