Maguire Talks Spider-Man 4 Production Hiatus

 maguire spider-man

Tobey Maguire was on a live webcam chat on yesterday morning talking about his latest movie, Brothers. Of course, the conversation turned to the subject of Spider-Man 4 being delayed due to script issues. Maguire had this to say on the issue:

“Like anything, it’s a process, we’re just in the midst of the process. We have a lot of great stuff in terms of story and script. We’re just trying to dial it in and get it ready as quickly as possible. Of course, these movies are a very big undertaking and take a lot more time than a drama or something more straightforward.

“Not only do I have specific ideas, but the ideas are evolving on the page. It’s all happening right now. It’s all sort of coming together. It’s very exciting to me. I think the evolution of the character is really exciting, to be rooted in the history of what we’ve done already and to have a continuity, yet have a progression or evolution.”

So it seems like Maguire isn’t too concerned about the delay and the studio hasn’t officially given up it’s coveted May 6, 2011 opening day yet – despite the fact that Thor will now be opening that same day. I for one am fine with a delay, I trust Raimi, not the studio, and if Raimi isn’t happy with the script and needs to delay production to get his way, then I am all for it. I am guessing that this delay will cause Sony to push the opening date back a few weeks (or months), but if this delay ends sooner than expected would Marvel unleash comic book-movie-fury on us with two Marvel character movies opening the same weekend? It would be an epic weekend for Marvel if they did…