Kick Ass #3… So Fucking Good

If you aren’t familiar with Mark Millar, I’m not going to waste time introducing him . Same goes for John Romita Jr., who you have even less of an excuse not knowing. For those of you who aren’t aware of Kick Ass! – it’s the story of a real world kid who loves super hero’s so much that he decides to become one. Simple – almost elementary really, but damn near perfect.

Simply put, this dream team behind Kick Ass! (who formerly collaborated on Wolverine:Enemy of the State) has cooked up one of those all too rare comics books that remind you just why you started reading them in the first place. Issue 1 and 2 were great, but 3 has a hook that will snag even the most jaded nerd in your little circle of jaded nerds, trust me.

I can only imagine that this is how comic fans felt about puny Peter Parker back in the day – not an alien – not a millionaire industrialist, just a regular dork like me.

It pains me to conclude with such a tired cliche, but in all honesty, I just have to say it… If you read only one comic series this year, make it Kick Ass!