Jon Favreau Not Directing Avengers Movie


MTV seems to be breaking a LOT of Marvel movie news lately!

The latest is an interview with Iron Man/Iron Man 2 Director, Jon Favreau, in which he states that he will not be directing the Avengers movie like many had previously thought (see: hoped for):

“They’ll have to [find a different director], because I’m not going to be available,” he explained. “It’s something I’m being the executive producer on, so I’ll definitely have input and a say.”

“It’s going to be hard, because I was so involved in creating the world of Iron Man and Iron Man is very much a tech-based hero, and then with ‘Avengers’ you’re going to be introducing some supernatural aspects because of Thor,” he continued. “How you mix the two of those works very well in the comic books, but it’s going to take a lot of thoughtfulness to make that all work and not blow the reality that we’ve created.”

Also, during the conversation, Favreau confirmed that Ed Norton will not be making an appearance in Iron Man 2… however, that doesn’t mean Hulk won’t! I know, I know… I’m just trying to start my own rumors now.

In this bot’s humble opinion, I would really like to see Marvel maybe start moving forward with an Avengers movie pretty soon. I know there is a lot of focus right now on getting the Captain America and Thor movies off the ground, but at some point, everyone is going to have to start working together towards a common goal to bring a difficult project like this together.

You can check out the rest of the interview over at MTV.