Hal Jordan Finds His Carol Ferris


The Hollywood Reporter is… reporting… that Gossip Girl star, Blake Lively, has been cast in the female lead role of Carol Ferris – opposite Ryan Reynold’s Hal Jordan – in the Green Lantern movie. Those familiar with Green Lantern know that Ferris runs her father’s aerospace company that hires Jordan as a test pilot – a job that plays a part in him becoming the Green Lantern. As you might have guessed, there is some romance between Hal and Carol which I’d be willing to bet plays a moderate to large role in the film.

Now, my only exposure to Gossip Girl (which airs on the CW – that should give you an idea of the quality of the show) is when my hero Joel McHale makes fun of it on The Soup. So if anyone of you readers out there are willing to admit you watch this show (in other words, is there someone out there that is a Gossip Girl and Green Lantern fan? Does this combo even exist?), let us know in the comments what you think of Lively being cast as Carol Ferris in the comments!

The only film I personally have seen Lively in is Accepted, in which I thought she was quite charming. She’s definitely a looker, so of course that shouldn’t be an issue, but her acting in Accepted wasn’t… great; not terrible, but I hope she can hang with Reynolds in a leading role.

That said, she was very funny when she appeared on Saturday Night Live recently…