Green Lantern GloBalls!

In either a preemptive strike to promote the Green Lantern movie or just some random marketing from Hostess, the company has revealed their latest co-branded cake-creation, Green Lantern GloBalls!

I could take the low-road and say things like, “Who wouldn’t want to put Green Lantern GloBalls in their mouth?!” or, “Bite into these balls to get a blast of creamy filling!”, or even, “Green Lantern’s GloBalls look tasty and delicious and you can tell there is a lot yummy of cream in them but the weight of them in you hand!”

But I refuse! I choose today to take the high road and just tell you that Green Lantern GloBalls are Coconut and Marshmallow covered Chocolate Cakes with Creamy Filling and it looks like if they aren’t already there, you can find these in your local grocer soon!

[Source: ComicsAlliance]