FIVE & THREE: My Favorite Things In Comics This Week

Five and Three for the first week of December only features one Christmas themed book. To start us off though, let’s lead with Green Arrow #26. The cover to Green Arrow #26 is beautifully done by Andrea Sorrentino. It get’s me pumped for the rest of, what has been so far, a spectacular series. 


Darwyn Cooke is the guest artist for the cover to Batwing #26 and it’s fantastic looking. I know Cooke is busy on the Parker series of his, but I would love to see Cooke on something else with more regularity. 


The cover to Carbon Grey #1 from image is incredibly cinematic in its style. The artists in this book, Hoang Nguyen, puts a life like quality to the cartooning that sets it firmly in fantasy but is life like enough you really feel immersed. The cinematic touch isn’t just a style choice, it draws the reader in. 


Fairest issue 21 is beautifully done. It also stars my favorite woman in Willingham’s Fables, Cinderella. This spy edged out the dark haired beauty in Images Velvet by Brubaker. But she’ll make an appearance here shortly. 


Here is the Christmas theme. I usually don’t like giving into themed covers but when they’re done well I always give up. I had to in this scenario because it’s just so great. I wonder if Hulk would get the job done faster than Rudolph? 


Velvet #2 is a great read. Pick it up if you haven’t given it a shot. The lead character, Miss Templeton to some and Velvet to others, is charming. The perfect kind of super spy in hiding, she loves what she’s doing as much as everyone loves reading about her adventure. 


How about that Han Solo in The Star Wars #4? Anyone out there in favor of this Solo instead of the one we ended up with? Yeah, me neither. 


Green Arrow comes back to end out this weeks 5 and 3. The island looms large in this book just as the island looms large in Arrow over on CW. This version of Green Arrow is quickly becoming my favorite. If you disagree with me about this or the big green Han Solo, let me know in the comments or on Twitter @MarkAvo I’ll see you here next week!
