Five and Three 4/18/14

I’m writing this week’s issue of “Five and Three” from the press room at Salt Lake Comic Con FanXperience! The lines may have been long but that only meant more time for me to read this week’s comics. Honestly, I can’t believe how long the lines were on a Thursday! I do this all for you, my faithful readers. Well, the both of you anyway, I can’t really count my mom can I? (love you ma!)

This week I’m kicking us off with a cover from the BOOM! Studios and Evil Ink book “Translucid”. I raved about the book so much that you had to know something from that book was going to be in Five and Three this week! If you’re a fan of Claudio Sanchez and his lovely wife Chondra Echert, give them a listen in our Big Shiny Robot Interview with them right over here. In the meantime, enjoy the Ming Doyle variant for “Translucid”, I know I do!

Image courtesy of BOOM! Studios

Next up is “Wonder Woman” #30 from Cliff Chiang. Sure the art inside is Goran Sudzuka, but as much as I love his interiors I had to give it to Chiang for another dynamite interpretation of Wonder Woman. To me she’s a strong Amazonian beauty and no some disproportioned super-model that most women could never look like.

Wonder Woman 30

Next up is a very cool cover to Nova #16 by Paco Medina. I’m a sucker for the over-the-shoulder glance back in comics and I love Beta Ray Bill. This is two great tastes in one!

Nova #16

“Skinned” issue one is a digital comic from Monkeybrain with art by Joshua Gowdy. The cover is fantastic and the price is just right at a dollar. I usually buy a Monkeybrain book on ComiXology because it’s so easy and just a buck. The other reason I do is because Monkeybrain puts out quality comics.


My last pick is another cover to “Winter Soldier: he Bitter March” by Andrew Robinson. This time it’s issue 3. There are 2 more issues left in the series so place your bets now on whether or not this Bucky fan picks the other two. The odds are not “ever in your favor” on this one.

Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #3

For my panel this week I went with some obvious choices. Why you may ask? Well, it would be because they were great or because they hint at great things to come.

This little set of panels from “Batman” issue 30 make me happy because even in Zero Year The Batman knows how to hide like a Ninja. I love how Greg Capullo drew The Batman in such a way that we get to see exactly how his Ninja moves work. In this case it’s the ladder. Seems pretty simple but a ninja uses misdirection. In the case of a water tower nearly falling on your heads and a building collapsing underneath you, The Batman knows to just stay out of their view and they’ll never notice him.


The next set of panels is a double pages spread I debated clipping. The reason I did is because my favorite part of the panel was Ultimate Agent Coulson. After having read the book though, it’s the entire team that makes me happy. Why you may ask? Well reader, I’d like to ask why the two of you are so full of questions this week but you both rarely post in the comments so I won’t bother. I will, however, answer you. My reason is that the “All-New Ultimates” issue 1 really let me down. I had a sinking feeling that the Ultimate books were going to all be terrible (except for Spidey). I’m happy because I now that Ultimate FF is going to be great and has a wonderful cast of great characters.


My last panel is another happy moment for me. If you have to ask why, you haven’t been reading comics for the last 16 months. For those that haven’t, Peter Parker’s mind was taken over by Doctor Octopus and “The Amazing Spider-Man” because “The Superior Spiderman”. This last panel has so much potential for the future because Peter Parker is back in his own mind and his own body.


Well, that’s it for now. Don’t forget to stop by the Big Shiny Robot booth 1106. We’re about 3 booths east of the legendary Neal Adams! Just East of him is Black Cat Comics with my buddies from the deviantART Podcast. Just East of them is Eden! Actually, I don’t know what’s East of that because the convention is so big this time around I couldn’t see everything in a day. If you’re not able to make it to the Con, visit our Instagram for some amazing Cosplay pics and then go read last week’s “Five and Three” where Hydra took over. Until next Friday, or if I see you at the convention, take care and Rock On!