FIRST LOOK: Jughead Double Digest #170

Ah career planning, that dreaded time in every teen’s life where they have to decide where to go after high school. In this tale, it seems that Juggie is contemplating the life of a fireman. That’s all well and good, but I believe Jughead is fighting his destiny by not being a restaurateur. In Life with Archie, he’s a great cook in not one, but two possible futures! Oh well, to each his own. Along with the lead story, you get a total of 160 pages of Jughead goodness. Check out the preview, if you like what you see, your local comic shop is just a phone call away…

“Food for Thought” and “A Matter of Taste”
In “Food for Thought,” Jughead tries to decide what he wants to do for a career. How does his decision bring together two business rivals? Finally in a “Matter of Taste” Jughead accompanies Betty and Archie to the county fair. While he was there he decides the food booths are much more fun than the games, until he finds a way to combine the two.
SCRIPT: George Gladir, Mike Pellowski
ARTIST: Pat Kennedy, Mike DeCarlo, Bob Bolling, Jim Amash,
COVER: Pat Kennedy
Shipping Date: 5/4/2011
On Sale at Comic Shops: 5/18/2011
Newsstands: Week of: 5/24/2011
Comic, 32 pgs, 40 lb. glossy stock, Full-Color
$2.99 US

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