UPDATED: First look at Thor!

Who is excited for the Thor movie next year? I sure as hell am! Espcially after the last couple of days. Yesterday Latino Review had posted a set pic from their “spy” on the Thor movie set of Destroyer. Destroyer is an enchanted armor that Odin builds to contain his power to fight the celestials. Here is the picture of it:


Then earlier today Marvel posted what appears to be an official movie still released by Marvel and Paramount studios showing us our first look at Chris Hemsworth as Thor!


After seeing these two images and how awesome they are I don’t know if I can wait a whole year for the movie, which is set to release May 6th 2011!

UPDATE:  These have been all around the internet, but someone pointed out that there are images of Thor’s Hammer, Mjolnir, from Iron Man 2 floating about.  So…  Uh…  Here is one:

 Mjollnir Thor movie image hammer