DC Comics Available On Nook!

In a press release yesterday, Barnes & Noble and DC Comics announced that DC’s digital library will be available immediately on the Barnes and Noble Nook line up. Hundreds of titles including: Animal Man, Justice League, Detective Comics, Superman, Hush, Fables, Sandman, and Watchmen can now be purchased on Nook Tablet, Nook Color, or on Android Tablets using the Nook App. If you’re already digging digital comics, this is a great reason to snag a Nook if you’ve been on the fence, or a way to integrate your collection better. If you haven’t tried yet, but are a Nook owner/user this is a perfect opportunity to tackle the digital future. Millions of Nook users is a great reason for DC to begin this huge partnership, I bet Amazon’s jealous.

Along with the release of DC content for the Nook users can update their system to utilize the Lense View app. Allowing personalized from-by-frame viewing of the content, for an easier flow. I for one prefer to see the whole page at once, but the cell by cell experience does help guide the story from the tablet side. What do you think Nook owners you in or out?