Good news for fans of Dark Horse Comics:
Now with their own dedicated iOS app, including availability on the web, Dark Horse Comics is making good on what they were planning to release in January of 2011.
The Dark Horse comics app will launch with hundreds of downloadable comics. It will soon be available for all iOS platforms through the iTunes store. Comics will also be available to purchase and read on modern web browsers at New features and platforms — including Android support — will follow shortly.
Things are getting better in the digital comic realm everyday. The next time you hear a friend bitching about Diamond having the corner on the comic book industry and how the whole medium is going to fade into obscurity when the current Scott Pilgrim fans graduate junior college point them to the internet. We now have dozens of outlets to purchase comics. It’s sad to see actual comic stores going out of business and struggling to survive but the gradual control from distributors to publishers will strengthen the industry. Sure, there are still third parties involved such as app developers but the end result will be more comics at the same prices. Thank you Dark Horse, and sorry local comic shop, I’m a few months away from being completely paper free.