COMICS: Batman Eternal Teased by Scott Snyder

Scott Snyder, writer of the current run on Batman, teased the upcoming series Batman Eternal with a Thanksgiving themed Batman image. Snyder tweeted the image which was later officially released from DC Comics. Batman Eternal will be a weekly series starting in 2014 and will feature many talented writers and artists such as Snyder himself. The image itself contains a cornucopia of Easter Eggs for the upcoming year.

Scott Snyder Tweet 

The eggs I’ve been able to find are probably the most obvious of ones after the Iceberg Casino. It appears we’ll be seeing more of Batwoman, Kate Kane and her girlfriend Maggie Sawyer, as well as Amanda Waller. Looking deeper though, it appears as though The Bat Cow might meet a meaty end with the bones. Speaking of the late Damian Wayne’s pets, there is a robin perched on Titus’s back. The Robin’s situation is as odd as ever in The New 52. Red Hood is in the background behind Batgirl. Tim Drake looks concerned with what could possibly be a Dick Grayson in disguise behind him; but who is in the purple hood next to Harper Row? I think the most confusing egg in the image is that Commissioner Gordans arms folded in prayer are in hand cuffs!

For a larger image click here.

Did you find some additional eggs that I missed? Please post them in the comments. The Big Shiny Robot community is excited to hear from you! Speaking of excited to hear from you, send me a tweet anytime @MarkAvo