Comic Pulls 7/23


Swank here again with this weeks comic pulls since Kill-tacular-tron is at the bloody Comic-Con.  (This is the first year I’ve missed in six or seven, so trust that I’m not happy that I’m not there.)  Regardless of my overwhelming desire to demand satisfaction at the barrel of a gun (or death ray) from the Big Shiny Robot’s who made it to the Con this year (Kill, Budgetron, Humanjunk and Dr. Cyborg), I still need to tell you what comics to check out this week.

So, without further ado:

Invincible #51 is certainly at the top of this list.  Word is, this book is selling better than it ever has and there’s a reason.  It’s really good.

Robin #175 is next.  This is one of the last DC comics we’ll see Chuck Dixon on in the forseeable future and it’s a RIP tie in.  Hopefully it’s not a fake tie in like the last issue of Detective Comics was.  (Seriously, that issue had less than dick to do with RIP.  Well written, sure, Paul Dini’s great.  But it had NOTHING to do with RIP.  Also, Dini is great and all, but seriously, give Hush/Tommy Elliot a fucking break.)

The Skrulls One-Shot is going to be interesting to check out.  It’s huge and reads like a storybook.

Uncanny X-Men #500 hits the stands.  Ed Brubaker is on as a writer, so it could be good.  We’ll see.

Usagi Yojimbo #113 hits the stands today and if you have any love for the ghost of Kurosawa, you’ll be there. Also, whoever isn’t reading Usagi Yojimbo is dickless.

Wonder how Ultimates 3 would have gone if Mark Millar had stayed on to write?  That’s the draw of War Heroes, which starts today.  I’ve read the first six pages (you can also do so here) and it looks to be another home run for Millar.  It’s also drawn by Tony Harris who has the pencilling duties on Ex Machina, so you’re sure for an art home run as well.

That’s it for this week.  Kill-tacular-tron should be back next week, so you know what that means.  Back to Spider-man, Spider-man, Spider-man.