COMIC OF THE WEEK: Butcher Baker #7

If you haven’t been reading The Butcher Baker: Righteous Maker series from Image this past summer you’ve been missing out on a really cool comic and today the 7th issue comes out to a bang.

Some things you need to know, first this book is written by Joe Casey, you may remember him from his run on Adventures of Superman. After finding out that little tidbit I can see why he’s writing Butcher Baker. Butcher is the anti-Superman, he’s still a hero but he’s the kind who doesn’t care about ethics and he’s also the kind to take all the perks that come with being a super hero. His super powers come from his heart being replaced with a motor engine.

The story starts after he’s basically rid the world of all of his evil doers and the government comes to him to do one last mission. To blow up their world’s equivalent of Arkham Asylum, the jail housing all of his super villains. He does so, exterminating many of his old foes but also letting loose his most powerful enemies who survived the blast and they all have a literal hard on to get revenge on Butcher Baker.

I say literal hard on because this book has quite a lot of nudity and crazy violence, this is not a book for the feint of heart, but thanks to artist Mike Huddleston we have some really good and crazy artwork to match the overall tone of the story. His art perfectly embodies the idea of a super human having the stamina to survive an orgy and then get into an all out brawl when they try to interrupt his spoils.

The story also has some great Batman style villains, a police officer ready to take out Butcher himself and a disembodied entity who utters such fantastic lines such as, “But… My cosmic hymen…”

Joe Casey has a nice way of writing where I could see this book ending soon, but I could also see him turning it into a long journey. Either way I’d be satisfied because this book is really good right now.