Comic Crunk.

I must say that this is the coolest bit of news outside of all the Dark Knight hub-ub and we’re gonna give it some of the attention it deserves, because there’s no better time to oil your rusty sprocket’s than summer.

Jim Mahfood (Grrl Scouts, Stupid Comics) is at the head of Colt 45’s new ad campaign and I must say, the new packaging on the cans looks pretty awesome. And if you’ve read any of Jim’s books (you’d better have), you’ll know that he’s one of the top talents with an eye on underground culture and is a perfect fit for Colt 45. Some of our robots also saw some billboards out in Philly last weekend but failed to get pictures. Here is one from Jim’s site.

So what are you waiting for? Grab yourself a tall one and enjoy a refreshing malt beverage, courtesy of a comic book artist who’s so cool, he’s generously stocked in a liquor store refrigerator near you.