Comic-Con Stays in San Diego!

Yes, it’s crowded.  Yes, the lines are long.  Yes, Hall H is a madhouse and you’re more likely to be run over by angry Twi-Hards trying to get into their panel than getting into the panel you REALLY wanted.

But you know, there’s nothing like Comic-Con, and that’s why we keep going back.

Many have suggested that San Diego is too small and they ought to move to the HUGE convention centers in Anaheim, LA, or Vegas when their contract ends with the SDCC in 2012.  But I love San Diego.  Granted, it is my home town and it’s nice to see family while geeking out, and damn but you can’t beat the weather, and areas like the Gaslamp just don’t exist close to most other convention centers.

But San Diego CC just announced via their website that they extended their contract through 2015.

What do you all think?

Oh, and by the way, 4-day tickets for 2011’s Comic Con have already sold out, suckas.