COMIC-CON: Star Wars on Blu-Ray

During the San-Diego Comic-Con, I was able to snag an interview with Steve Sansweet, the head of Fan Relations at Lucasfilm.

You can read my article about the interview here.

But we got to talking about the Blu-ray and he got more specific about when we would be seeing it hit shelves.

Q: Is there any talk whatsoever, and I’m not even going to ask for a date because I know that’s ridiculous, but is there any talk about the Star Wars movies on a high definition format?

A: Yeah.  I mean obviously we’ve been looking at that for a couple of years and I think one of the questions is when is the market penetration there and these days, will there be a market penetration before everything goes streaming? But we’ve been looking at an ultimate box set of the Star Wars movies, all six of the movies.  And what special features would be.  And clearly these days, if you did an ultimate box set and didn’t do it in HD, Blu-ray, it just wouldn’t make any sense.  So now it’s a matter of thinking okay, we’ve been thinking about this for a while, we know what kind of assets we want to use, we’ve done some work in cleaning up things, it’s really a matter of making that decision of when’s the best time to release it.

Do you wait and have an event because you’re working off of the fact that there’s going to be a new live action TV series?

Click over and read the original article to read about what special features and extras we might be seeing.

The Geek Show Podcast was kind enough to host the full interview on their iTunes feed, for the full 15 minute interview, click this link. (In the full interview, there’s also talk about Indiana Jones on Blu-ray and the oft rumoured fifth Indiana Jones movie.)