COMIC-CON: Roland Emmerich’s 2012

Immediately after the Zombieland panel, Roland Emmerich jumped up on stage presenting his new movie 2012. (I’m not certain he was supposed to be there.) And strangely, even though Woody Harrelson was in both movies, he left the stage. 2012 stars John Cusack, Danny Glover, Woody Harrelson, and Thandie Newton.

It looks God Awful.

The scene they showed was of John Cusack, a limo Driver, calling his family and essentially yelling “You’ve got to get out of the house! The worlds falling apart” (And I just started to like John Cusack.) He then drives his limo to his house and screeches to a stop. (He’s there because they couldn’t leave without him, presumably?)

So he rallies his family out the door and into the limo, the world is actually falling apart around them, but they are outrunning it. He drives past an exploding gas station, and weaves around rows of cars that just can’t seem to get their acts together, and then it starts to get ridiculous.

A skyscraper is falling down right in front of the limo, the world is falling around on both sides. What can John Cusack (the best limo driver in town) do? Drive right through the window of the falling building with a makeshift ramp! Of course as the expression goes, out of the frying pan and into the fire.

He manages to get his family onto one of the last airplanes seemingly on the planet. It seems safe for a moment, but then the world is still falling down around them, and they are barely able to take off. But thank god they are able to by the skin of their teeth. Then a skyscraper is falling down, and they have to dodge the falling building in the airplane! End of clip.

The plot line for this movie is, “An epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors.” I’m going to go out on a limb here and say if your movie has the courage to “End the World” it should have the decency to refrain from “Heroic Survivors”.

This just might end up the worst movie of the decade. But to my surprise, while I was laughing through the clip, others were wowed. People went to the Q&A mic and made comments like, “You’re the ultimate master of disaster films!”, “How do you make them so good?” drooling, with their mouths wide open looking like degenerates.

A film critic from Entertainment Weekly hosted the panel and he said (completely dead pan), “Wow, how do you keep making these movies better and better, first Independence Day, then the Day After Tomorrow, and now this? Which makes your other films look like Woody Allen films.” He actually got booed for insulting Woody Allen, but the point is, some people actually like these movies.

I was just surprised what an idiot the director was.  H e said that before they started work on this movie, they were working on a “Flood” movie, (That’s right all of his movies can be summed up in a single word.) but this 2012 thing just dropped in their laps. Which is such a gimmicky, stupid idea. The director is actually not an ass-hole, he just lacks I.Q.

Roland Emmerich at Comic-Con

Roland Emmerich at Comic-Con

This movie is going to be bad. This is going to be the same movie Emmerich has tried to push on us over and over again. The difference is the effects keep getting better. If I’m being completely honest the effects in the scene they showed were amazing. But that was the only thing amazing about it. Now here I am on my robot knees begging all of you, don’t go see this movie!

Maybe he won’t make another one.