Captain America Video Game

Sega’s movie tie-in game starring Captain America has finally been officially announced. Christos Gage (Avengers: The Initiative, Spider-Man, Captain America, House of M) has written the story and it’s being developed by Next Level Games. I don’t know much about Next Level. Movie tie-ins are normally garbage and Sega did the two awful Iron Man titles, so high hopes are from most gamers’ minds. And it’s coming next summer on every system so we can all be disappointed together.

Don’t get me wrong, I want the game to be good, I just don’t think it will be. But, it does have potential. Early descriptions are sounding like the developers were big fans of Arkham Asylum. There’s a lot of talk about flowing combat, platforming and use of the coolest shield in comics. The screen shots and concept art below also give a little hope.

Something else to consider is the costume seen in these shots. It’s not quite the same as what we’ve seen from the movie stills, but could it be a clue to what his movie costume will be?

The script for Captain America: Super Soldier gathers the elements of the upcoming movie and adds a little more. This seems to be the way many tie-in games are going and it works with mixed results.