BSR! Roundtable Discussion: Is Tony Stark a Skrull?

Swank-mo-tron: So, it seems as though a lot of us are reading Secret Invasion, some more carefully than others. And I’ve been arguing back and forth in a very friendly sort of way with Clang! Boom! Steam! and McFrogger about whether or not Tony Stark is a Skrull in the current Marvel 616 continuity. My bet is that he is. Not just because of how much of a fucker he was during Civil War, but because of the whole nanites thing. The guy is basically a human satellites for all of Earths defenses. If I’m the enemy and want a sleeper agent that’s the one I’d want to have. M.C. Frogger tore me a new asshole about that theory though. But with the way the Marvel 616 universe has been going (*cough* Brand New Day *cough*), I’d believe that they’d do literally anything to the characters, up to and including ass rape.

So, my question is this: What do you guys think?

Humanjunk: I’m not quite sure if he’s a Skrull… But, one possibility is that the Captain America that fought the Civil War was a Skrull and his motive was to help divide the heroes. The only flaw to that theory is that when he was killed a few issues ago his body didn’t turn into a Skrull, so I’m probably wrong… But it seems like Marvel’s easiest ploy to bring back Steve Rogers without having to deal with any mystical crap a la Spider-Man: One More Day.

Mookatron – I had to smile as I flipped page after page of Secret Invasion #3 (in stores now…go get it) and (SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN’T READ IT YET) Spider Woman, who’s been revealed as the Skrull Queen gives Tony the “hey, you don’t know it but your a Skrull” speech. Clever, very clever. I don’t think he’s a Skrull. It’s classic Bendis to dangle something big like that and then end up throwing a curve that’s something out of left field, something totally unexpected. I am very interested to see who of the 70’s era heroes that got off the Skrull ship end up being real, and how far back they were Skrullified. I’m usually not a fan of extensive retconning, but this has been fun. I guess they could screw it up and I’ll hate it, but for now I’m hopeful.

Kill-tacular-tron: Hell yah its fun. I love this B-Movie meets MARVEL universe. Tony certainly has been an extra big douche bag lately. Which would explain why he’s a skrull, or why it would be easier for Spider-Woman to convince him that he is.

Swank-mo-tron: I haven’t read Secret Invasion #3 yet.
