Bone at Warner Brothers

The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Warner Brothers has snatched up the rights to one of the best, most beloved comic series of all time. That’s right, it’s Jeff Smith’s Bone.

Now, most of you will remember that Nickelodeon (and Viacom) had their hooks into this at one point and Jeff Smith held the project up until it was canceled because they wanted *yikes* Britney Spears to do the music. Smart move, Mr. Smith.

My recommendation and hope? Now that Warners has sucked New Line into it’s fold, that’s where this project should go. They should do it as a live action/cgi blend a’la Lord of the Rings and get Peter Jackson’s Wingnut Films to produce.

The Bone Trilogy would be one of the greatest, most heartwarming, most epic film since the Jackson/Tolkien epic. And it would have all the weight and heart of those films, too. Seriously, the Lord of the Locusts is every bit as evil and scary as Suaron. Rockjaw is as evil and formidable a foe as Shelob (more so if you ask me). The order of Veni Yan is even cooler than the elves. The stupid, stupid Rat Creatures can be just as scary as the Nazgul. The Great Red Dragon is a great as Gandalf the Grey. And the Bones are at least as charming as the Hobbits and twice as funny. And the stakes in their world are just as high.

And the first film should end with the last frame of the fourth graphic novel.

Seriously though, I’d kill to get in on the adaptation team for this book.  Long story short, this could be a great thing for comic-book fans and fans of good movies.

And if you haven’t read Bone, and have no idea what in the hell I’m talking about, go start reading Bone….  You will not regret it.  And if you do, I’ll have to punch you in the balls, and then you’ll really regret it.

(also, here’s a link to the official Bone website.)