Big Shiny Robot! at Comic-Con

I just wanted to drop a quick line to everyone who reads the site and has been wondering what we’ve got planned for San Diego.  Androidika and I will be attending and we’re going to be covering as much Con material as we can.  I’ll be focusing on movies, Star Wars, and some surprise interviews we’ll lay on you in the coming weeks, and Androidika will be focusing on comics and other things he finds interesting.

We’ve got quite a lot locked in already, and some really cool things planned, so be sure to stay tuned.

We’ll have tons of pictures, video and audio, as well as regular reports as often as we can find internet connections.

We’ll also both be tweeting from @bigshinyrobot, @swankmotron, and @mrmiah.  That’s your best bet for up to the minute news.

If there’s anything specific you want us to cover, be sure to let us know.

If you’re going to be in San Diego, and are interested in being a deputized Big Shiny Robot! and write some reports for us, please let us know.