Beta Ray Bill Punches Galactus


There’s a press release that came with this image, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter.  Beta Ray Bill punching Galactus in the face makes me too happy to care:

Joe Quesada is back with MyCup o’Joe at MySpace Comic Books ( and he’s got loads of news, including…Beta Ray Bill versus Galactus? That’s right, True Believers, and it’s only the beginning, as you’ll get your first look inside Dark Avengers #3, Dark Reign: Elektra and more! What’s next for the Young Avengers? Just what does a certain villain have planned in Secret Warriors? Answer and art abound in this jam packed edition of MCoJ!

Next week, red-hot Wolverine: Origins and Deadpool writer Daniel Way gets in on the action for MyCup o’Way! Make sure to leave your questions for the scribe at MySpace Comic Books today!

Head on over to and leave your questions for Joe Q and he’ll be back to answer them! So what are you waiting for? Check out the latest MyCup o’ Joe now!