Batman Arkham Asylum 2 Teaser Trailer: Frame by Frame

Anyone who played the first Arkham Asylum, should have wet themselves with delight at the teaser for part 2, and I was no different. After watching it I went through the trailer frame by frame and found some cool stuff that I hope is hinting towards the villains. Here they be:

First of all, this is a Harvey Dent poster… hopefully leaning towards a Two-face appearance!

Shown here in the trailer down the alley is the Iceberg Lounge.. Penguin I hope?

And this last piece is SIONIS last name of The Black Mask.

Hopefully more news will surface soon on which villains will surface for the game. From my understanding and great explanation from Mexicus Prime the story is rumored to be similar to The Joker. Written by Bian Azzarello, if you haven’t read it, you’re missing out.