And knowing is half the battle…Yo Joe!

Snake Eyes

What can I say, I’m an old fart. As a youngster I had G.I. Joes. I had the ones that were 12 inches tall. I loved ’em. Kung Fu grip is right up in my top 10 inventions of all time. “A hand that can actually hold a gun? Rock on!” The sad part is that by the time the 3.5 inch action figures came around, I was probably just a bit too old to be playing with them. Did that stop me? Hell-to-the no. I thought the cartoon was great, and the figures were awesome too.

So now they’re doing a live action G.I. Joe movie. Am I stoked? I’m a little worried actually. We’ll just have to wait and see. I will say that these first two shots of Ray Park (Darth Maul from Phantom Menace and Toad from X-Men) as Snake Eyes looks pretty darn bitchin’. How soon til Master Replicas or Weta makes a repro sword, and when can I send in my down payment? Yo Joe!